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LiebherrRefrigeration and freezing
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Register your guarantee

All Liebherr appliances come with a 2-year maunfacturers guarantee, covering parts and labour, as standard. We recommend registering within the first 30 days, however, as long as you have your proof of purchase and are able to provide this to our Customer Service team, your appliance will still be covered by our standard guarantee.

If you are having issues registering, please use our dedicated contact form.

Register using our form below.
You can also register by post using the form supplied with your appliance, or by calling 03330 147 888 (option 3), Monday - Friday (excluding public holidays) between 08.00 and 17.00.

Did you know that you can purchase an extended guarantee from Liebherr?
At any time during your standard 24 month guarantee, you can purchase an extension to 5 or 10 years directly from Liebherr*.
Find out more about our extended guarantee
View extended guarantee pricing by model

You can view our standard guarantee terms and conditions here.
You can view our Customer Services privacy policy here.

* Please note that WarrantyPlus is not currently available in Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey or the Isle of Man, however full standard guarantee is applicable in those areas.

If you are having issues registering, please use our dedicated contact form.

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