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A celebration with friends and family or a quiet evening alone. Whatever the occasion, an excellent bottle of wine is always welcomed. Liebherr Wine Cabinets satisfy your thirst for the smartest, most elegant ways to store precious wines. Created for true wine connoisseurs.

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Savour the Difference with a Liebherr


Only under perfect conditions can wine develop into an excellent vintage and maintain its quality long-term. Our elegant wine cabinets add sophisticated flair to entertainment areas while providing ideal conditions for wine to mature successfully. Discover how we protect your finest wine collection by ensuring constant air quality, precise temperature and humidity control as well as quiet, vibration-free storage through state-of-the-art German technology.


  • The Right Temperature, Always The Right Temperature, Always

    Liebherr wine cabinets are engineered to maintain precise temperatures between 5 - 20°C with minimal temperature variance to ensure that your prized wines mature correctly in storage.

    Are you a budding wine collector looking to protect your new investment? Be sure to store those bottles at the right temperature! Here is our recommended wine storage temperatures:

    – White Wine: 8 - 10°C
    – Red Wine: 14 - 18°C
    – Champagne & Sparkling Wine: 5 - 7°C
    – Rose & Dessert Wine: 11 - 13°C
    – All wine varieties: 11°C

  • Ideal Humidity Ideal Humidity for Long-term Storage

    When humidity level falls below 50%, natural corks begin to shrink, causing oxygen to enter the bottle and damage stored wines. Liebherr wine cabinets guarantee ideal conditions for the suppleness of wine cork to prevent oxidization, with humidity between 50% – 80% depending on ambient humidity.

  • Low Vibration Low Vibration Environment to Minimise Damage

    All Liebherr wine cabinets are equipped with specially developed compressors to provide a low vibration environment. Coupled with our handcrafted wooden shelves, you can be rest assured that your wine bottles are protected from vibrations.

  • Optimum Air Quality Optimum Air Quality with Charcoal Filter

    Environmental odours can affect the quality of wine stored for long periods. To protect your prized collection, all Liebherr wine cabinets provide a permanent supply of odourless, fresh air via an activated charcoal filter.

  • Beechwood Shelves Natural, Untreated Beechwood Shelves

    Our natural, handcrafted, and untreated beechwood shelves release no chemical aromas into the environment that could adversely influence the flavour of wine. In addition, wooden shelves contribute to the reduction of vibrations which allows wine to develop in peace.

  • UV Protection UV Protection with Insulated Glass Doors

    Liebherr wine cabinets come with insulated glass doors with special UV protection. The double-glazed construction means that most of the damaging UV radiation is reflected away. In addition, LED lighting guarantees perfect illumination of the wine cabinet interior without risk of UV exposure.

  • Pleasant Illumination Pleasant Illumination with LED Lighting

    The integrated LED lighting in the wine cabinet interior ensures pleasant illumination and an optimum glance at your wine collection. LED lighting is energy efficient and emits less heat than conventional neon lighting, hence it does not influence the interior temperature.

Which wine cabinet is right for you?

Our wine cabinet selection is specially curated to cater to your needs. Undecided on which wine cabinet best fits your lifestyle? Here’s our take to help nudge you in the right direction.

A freestanding wine cabinet is popular amongst those who prefer flexibility and movability. It is an easy addition to any home as there is no need to plan a niche to house the appliance: Browse Freestanding Wine Cabinets

Fully integrated wine cabinets are installed flush with existing or newly-built cabinetry, resulting in a clean, seamless design. This built-in option works well in contemporary homes with customised interior décor especially when there is the luxury of space: Browse Fully Integrated Wine Cabinets

Wine cabinets with glass doors allow restaurants to showcase their wide selection to customers and are great for wine collectors to display their prized collection. Liebherr's insulated glass doors protect your fine wines by reducing heat transfer and reflecting damaging UV radiation.

A solid door wine cabinet mimics the conditions of an underground wine cellar. It creates a dark, undisturbed environment with zero exposure to UV light and heat fluctuations – perfect for maturing wines. The risk of condensation is lower, making the wine cabinet easier to maintain in a tropical climate.

Red wine should be served slightly warmer than whites but not at room temperature, while the aroma and flavour of champagne and sparking wines are most distinct when well-chilled. With a multi-temperature wine cabinet where temperature in each zone can be set independently, you can always have a chilled bottle of champagne ready to be popped and a nice bottle of red waiting to welcome surprise guests.

On the other hand, wine lovers who prefer one type of wine will benefit more from a single-zone wine cabinet. Here the interior temperature remains even and constant throughout, making it perfect for the long-term storage of large wine collections.

Hello, Wine Enthusiasts!


Watch this space to see what's interesting on the wine landscape through our partnership with Young Gun of Wine (YGOW) in Australia.


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** Note: The data transfer to the USA associated with the data transmission to Google takes place on the basis of the European Commission’s adequacy decision of 10 July 2023 (EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework).

Our Promise for Your Favorite Wines


Where wine is concerned, correct temperatures are always important. From the air temperature which ensures perfect growth of the grapes, to that which governs the aging processes in production, to the balanced temperature for storage of the finished wine. Above all, storage and serving temperatures ultimately defines a wine’s taste and palate. Discover how Liebherr wine cabinets protect your prized collection through German engineering.


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** Note: The data transfer to the USA associated with the data transmission to Google takes place on the basis of the European Commission’s adequacy decision of 10 July 2023 (EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework).

Five Decades of Best's Pinot Meunier


Best’s, in Victoria’s Great Western, can make a few unique claims. Possessing the world’s oldest pinot meunier vines is one of them. With some of Melbourne’s finest palates in attendance, Best’s winemaker Justin Purser was kind enough to guide us through five decades of their ‘Old Vine’ Pinot Meunier. This was a rare chance to see just how well it ages in ideal conditions.

In partnership with Young Gun of Wine.


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** Note: The data transfer to the USA associated with the data transmission to Google takes place on the basis of the European Commission’s adequacy decision of 10 July 2023 (EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework).

Adelaide Hills Chardonnay, featuring Michael Downer of Murdoch Hill


Not so long ago, it was deemed a short-term cellaring prospect, but Australian chardonnay today is anything but, with recognition that the best examples age gracefully for many years. We followed Michael Downer of Murdoch Hill in the Adelaide Hills for a day, to get a glimpse of his approach to making chardonnay.

In partnership with Young Gun of Wine.


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** Note: The data transfer to the USA associated with the data transmission to Google takes place on the basis of the European Commission’s adequacy decision of 10 July 2023 (EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework).

Heathcote Shiraz, featuring Adam Foster of Syrahmi


When your passion leads you to change your job description again and again, as you delve deeper and deeper into your pursuit... Adam Foster of Syrahmi was a chef who became a sommelier, then a winemaker. Ten years into his journey with his wine label, he's now growing vines in Heathcote. We get a brief insight to Adam's journey and how he approaches his craft.

In partnership with Young Gun of Wine.


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Award Appliances (NZ) Ltd.
Tel: 03 348 0556

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