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Beverage refrigeration

Our stage for your drinks.

Liebherr merchandising coolers not only quench a thirst for cool beverages, they also create the right mood for a cold drink. Not only do they offer top-class design and ease of use, they also excel in cooling performance, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. Whether at events, in a restaurant or at the point of sale, a Liebherr merchandising cooler meets the most demanding of requirements at low operating costs. Discover how our extensive range can deliver your perfect product presentation.

Our services

Individual branding,

Individual branding,

as unique as your kitchen. You can select the colour, special equipment, lighting, and even door handles.

Sales and logistics service

Sales and logistics service

You don’t have to do anything. Except let us get on with the job. At your request, we can take over the complete logistics from delivery of the individual appliances and order processing to documentation.

Customer service

Customer service

Immediate help instead of being stuck on hold. One call to your contact person is all it takes to receive worldwide support from service technicians who undergo regular training.

Individual one-off production

Production of small quantities.

Energy efficiency

Saving costs and resources.

Over 60 years experience

Developed in Germany, manufactured in Austria.

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