SmartMonitoring Whitepaper for download

Download the informative Whitepapers for pharmacies, laboratories and doctors free of charge here:


Maximum safety. For pharmacies and customers.

Pharmacy has a clear focus: people. All the efforts of a pharmacy revolve around them and their well-being. This is precisely where its strength and future viability lie. Because the pharmacy is not only the first port of call for medicines, but above all for competent and personal advice.



Maximum safety. For laboratories and their results.

Work in the laboratory requires meticulous precision and maximum concentration. With a steady hand and a sharp eye, it is not uncommon for the basis for vital health decisions to be worked out here. Unfortunately, there is less and less time for this enormously responsible activity.



Maximum safety. For practices and patients.

Medicine has a clear focus: people. All the efforts of a practice revolve around them and their well-being. But there is less and less time for this in everyday life.

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