Multi-temperature wine cabinets

When served at the right drinking temperature, a wine perfectly unfolds its flavour in the glass. The ideal serving temperature will vary according to the type of wine, and also to personal preference, accompanying dishes, and the time of year. Generally, red wines are enjoyed at a warmer temperature than white wines; and the aroma and flavour of sparkling wines and champagne emerge fully when they are nicely chilled. With a Liebherr multi-temperature wine cabinet, a bottle of champagne will be ready for an impromptu toast and, simultaneously, a good bottle of red wine will have already been brought to just the right temperature to offer any unexpected guests.

Vinidor multi-temperature wine cabinets

Vinidor appliances feature two or three wine safes, which can be individually and exactly set to between +5°C and +20°C. This offers maximum flexibility as you can store red wine, white wine and champagne all at their perfect serving temperature, all at the same time. Vinidor wine cabinets also offer ideal conditions for long-term wine storage. Multi-temperature wine cabinets in the Vinidor range

Vinothek multi-temperature wine cabinets

In the Vinothek multi-temperature wine cabinets, a specialised climate control system is used to achieve stratified temperature conditions. Red wine can be stored at +18°C in the upper section of the cabinet, whilst the lower section, with a temperature of +5°C, is perfect for sparkling wine or champagne. The middle section is ideal for storing white wine at serving temperature. Multi-temperature wine cabinets in the Vinothek range

Wine expertise

Carefully cultivated, professionally aged and perfectly temperature-managed: only with precisely the right storage technology can wine be enjoyed to its utmost. Wine expertise


Award-winning design: the finishes and contours of Liebherr appliances offer timeless elegance and reflect the latest trends in interior design. Design editions


Whether you're a collector or an occasional connoisseur, with our Vinidor, Grand Cru and Vinothek wine cabinets you'll be able to keep your finest wines under optimal conditions. Watch the video
Whether you're a collector or an occasional connoisseur, with our Vinidor, Grand Cru and Vinothek wine cabinets you'll be able to keep your finest wines under optimal conditions.
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