Efterprøvede materialer

Som Premium-producent stiller Liebherr de højeste krav til apparater og komponenter. Der er en grund til, at køle- og fryseapparaterne kan overbevise i hele verden med deres lange levetid. For at garantere dette udsætter vi alle apparatets komponenter for ekstreme belastninger under tests. Derved sikrer vi igen og igen kvaliteten for at opfylde kundernes krav og ønsker til vores produkter i fuldt omfang.

Kvalitet indtil sidste detalje

Ved Liebherr køle- og fryseapparater forarbejdes der kun materialer af bedste kvalitet. Under omfattende tests kontrolleres alle komponenter og dele – indtil den mindste detalje. Derned sikrer vi, at vores apparater opfylder de højeste kvalitetskrav både på det private og på erhvervsområdet.

We need your consent This video is provided by Google*. When you load this video, your data, including your IP address, is transmitted to Google, and may be stored and processed by Google, also for its own purposes, outside the EU or the EEA and thus in a third country, in particular in the USA**. We have no influence on further data processing by Google. By clicking on “ACCEPT”, you consent to the data transmission to Google for this video pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 point a GDPR. If you do not want to consent to each YouTube video individually in the future and want to be able to load them without this blocker, you can also select “Always accept YouTube videos” and thus also consent to the respectively associated data transmissions to Google for all other YouTube videos that you will access on our website in the future. You can withdraw given consents at any time with effect for the future and thus prevent the further transmission of your data by deselecting the respective service under “Miscellaneous services (optional)” in the settings later also accessible via the “Privacy Settings” in the footer of our website). For further information, please refer to Data Protection Declaration and the Google Privacy Policy. * Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; parent company: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
** Note: The data transfer to the USA associated with the data transmission to Google takes place on the basis of the European Commission’s adequacy decision of 10 July 2023 (EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework).

Gode grunde

Efterprøvet kvalitet, mere friskhed i opbevaringen af madvarer og høj energieffektivitet: Der findes mange gode grund til at beslutte sig for et Liebherr. Hvorfor Liebherr?

Optimal betjeningskomfort

Letkørende teleskopskinner, som skufferne ligger på, giver meget ekstra komfort ved køle- og fryseapparater. For at de også fungerer optimalt, gennemgår de omfattende testserier for at udelukke eventuelle fejlkilder. I den forbindelse udsætter vi teleskopskinnerne for mere end de almindelige belastninger for at sikre en lang levetid.

Gode grunde

Efterprøvet kvalitet, mere friskhed i opbevaringen af madvarer og høj energieffektivitet: Der findes mange gode grund til at beslutte sig for et Liebherr. Hvorfor Liebherr?

For endnu mere sikkerhed i hverdagen

De førsteklasses GlassLine-hylder og hylderne i døren i Liebherr-køleapparaterne er brudsikre, ridsefaste og nemme at rengøre. For at garantere sikkerhed i den daglige brug udsættes sikkerhedsglasset igen og igen for ekstreme belastninger i vores testcenter. Det skaber tillid og sørger for sikkerhed i husholdningen.

We need your consent This video is provided by Google*. When you load this video, your data, including your IP address, is transmitted to Google, and may be stored and processed by Google, also for its own purposes, outside the EU or the EEA and thus in a third country, in particular in the USA**. We have no influence on further data processing by Google. By clicking on “ACCEPT”, you consent to the data transmission to Google for this video pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 point a GDPR. If you do not want to consent to each YouTube video individually in the future and want to be able to load them without this blocker, you can also select “Always accept YouTube videos” and thus also consent to the respectively associated data transmissions to Google for all other YouTube videos that you will access on our website in the future. You can withdraw given consents at any time with effect for the future and thus prevent the further transmission of your data by deselecting the respective service under “Miscellaneous services (optional)” in the settings later also accessible via the “Privacy Settings” in the footer of our website). For further information, please refer to Data Protection Declaration and the Google Privacy Policy. * Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; parent company: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
** Note: The data transfer to the USA associated with the data transmission to Google takes place on the basis of the European Commission’s adequacy decision of 10 July 2023 (EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework).

Gode grunde

Efterprøvet kvalitet, mere friskhed i opbevaringen af madvarer og høj energieffektivitet: Der findes mange gode grund til at beslutte sig for et Liebherr. Hvorfor Liebherr?

Komfortabel under anvendelse

Takket være integreret SoftSystem lukker dørene på Liebherr-apparater automatisk fra en åbningsvinkel på ca. 30°. Derved er en blød lukning også sikret, når den indvendige dør er fyldt. I husholdninger åbnes køleskabsdøren flere gange om dagen og er udsat for høje belastninger. På denne grund simulerer vi i vores testlaboratorier over 100.000 døråbninger for at sikre en lang levetid for alle komponenter.

We need your consent This video is provided by Google*. When you load this video, your data, including your IP address, is transmitted to Google, and may be stored and processed by Google, also for its own purposes, outside the EU or the EEA and thus in a third country, in particular in the USA**. We have no influence on further data processing by Google. By clicking on “ACCEPT”, you consent to the data transmission to Google for this video pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 point a GDPR. If you do not want to consent to each YouTube video individually in the future and want to be able to load them without this blocker, you can also select “Always accept YouTube videos” and thus also consent to the respectively associated data transmissions to Google for all other YouTube videos that you will access on our website in the future. You can withdraw given consents at any time with effect for the future and thus prevent the further transmission of your data by deselecting the respective service under “Miscellaneous services (optional)” in the settings later also accessible via the “Privacy Settings” in the footer of our website). For further information, please refer to Data Protection Declaration and the Google Privacy Policy. * Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; parent company: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
** Note: The data transfer to the USA associated with the data transmission to Google takes place on the basis of the European Commission’s adequacy decision of 10 July 2023 (EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework).

Gode grunde

Efterprøvet kvalitet, mere friskhed i opbevaringen af madvarer og høj energieffektivitet: Der findes mange gode grund til at beslutte sig for et Liebherr. Hvorfor Liebherr?


Ved produktudviklingen af køle- og fryseapparaterne orienterer Liebherr sig i forhold til kundernes behov. Resultatet er komfortable apparater, der gør hverdagen nemmere. Komfortable funktioner


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