Liebherr Appliances. German Innovation Since 1954.

Decades of fresh ideas. Continuously enhancing food preservation and wine storage solutions through German Engineering.

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State-of-the-art German Engineering

Liebherr is a world leader in developing premium quality fridge-freezers and wine cabinets. Our German-engineered appliances are acclaimed for advanced food freshness and wine preservation, timeless design, and maximum energy efficiency.

Never one to rest on our laurels, Liebherr continues to research and develop products that match or exceed not only the standards we’ve set for ourselves, but also the quality our loyal customers have come to expect.

Headquartered in Germany since 1954, we produce and distribute over 2.1 million units around the globe annually for residential and commercial use.

Check our latest models

XRFsdh 5220

SRsdh 5220 Fridge
SFNsdh 5227 Freezer

XRFsdh 5265

SRBsdh 5260 Fridge
SFNsdh 5267 Freezer

SCNsdh 5253

Bottom-mount Freezer

Browse the Liebherr Product Range

Liebherr offers a lean but premium selection of freestanding food and wine storage solutions to the Korean market. Mix and match our refrigerators and freezers (SK- and SGN- models) to form your ideal side-by-side combination. Discover our full product range below. For more information, download the specification sheets or contact us.

SBSes 8486 KR

SWTNes 4265 Freezer & Wine Compartment
SKBes 4350 Fridge

SBSes 8673

SGNPes 4365 Freezer
SKBes 4350 Fridge

SBSbs 8673

SGNPbs 4365 Freezer
SKBbs 4350 Fridge

SBSef 7242

SGNef 3036 Freezer
SKef 4260 Fridge

SBS 7242

SGN 3036 Freezer
SK 4260 Fridge

CNef 4315

Bottom-mount Freezer

WKb 4612

Single Temperature Zone
Wine Cabinet

WKb 1712

Single Temperature Zone
Wine Cabinet

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