Good reasons

Anyone committed to the highest quality cannot accept compromise. At Liebherr we use our expertise to guarantee premium-quality products – and have done so for more than 60 years. Across the refrigeration spectrum we offer a wide range of compelling appliances that impress with intuitive operation, energy efficiency, classic design, and a multitude of practical functions geared to ensuring that food retains its freshness and quality, and so to facilitating a healthy, modern lifestyle.

Environmental sustainability and responsibility are also of primary importance to us when we develop our new appliances, and so it is not surprising that we frequently receive major awards and certificates in this area. There are many great reasons to choose Liebherr – when will you make the right choice and the excellent choice?

As a refrigerator and freezer specialist, we have been continuously developing innovative and convincing product solutions for more than 60 years. The trust that our customers place in us is a daily incentive for us to continue providing top-quality products. When it comes to buying new appliances, no other manufacturer in the field of large domestic goods has as many loyal repeat customers as Liebherr.

To ensure product reliability, Liebherr uses only the highest quality materials and components to produce its appliances. Even during the manufacturing process, every appliance undergoes extensive testing to ensure perfect quality and functionality. Thanks to our continuous product development and to the optimisation of all our components and processes down to the finest of details, we can confidently guarantee Liebherr's renowned quality.

Quality assurance at Liebherr

By bringing together quality materials and classic form, our refrigerators and freezers fulfil the highest design aspirations. The fusion of premium-quality stainless steel, precise electronic control systems and sophisticated design guarantees a timeless elegance that never fails to inspire, whether the appliance is from our Comfort range or our Premium range.

Design special

Installing our appliances is very straightforward. We guarantee that they can be installed in kitchen units in a safe and secure manner so that they function perfectly, close flawlessly and achieve their ideal refrigeration performance.

Built-in appliances for the home

“We are responsible”: this fundamental Liebherr value comes into force the moment we design our fridges and freezers. We equip our appliances with high-quality components in order to achieve a long service life and reliable function as well as optimum energy efficiency and high levels of resource efficiency. We are committed to a sustainable economic framework for our employees, the environment and society at all levels and throughout our value chain, from procurement to recycling. That is why we have our production sites certified according to the international ISO standards for quality, energy and the environment and align ourselves with international social standards.

In parallel to the “Sustainable Development Goals” set by the United Nations, Liebherr-Hausgeräte GmbH set down its obligation to act responsibly at a strategic level by drawing up its “guidelines for sustainable management” in 2015. Liebherr-Hausgeräte GmbH has no doubt that industry and commerce must make a decisive contribution to the implementation of the sustainability agenda in order to jointly create the basis for a society in which it is worth living.

Corporate Responsibility Management

By combining the most advanced electronics and the most highly efficient refrigeration systems, Liebherr offers an attractive, ultra-economical range of appliances in the highest energy efficiency classes, across all product groups. This protects the environment and is kind to your wallet.

Liebherr BioFresh technology guarantees the perfect environment for lasting food freshness. Stored at a temperature of just above 0°C, and at the ideal humidity level, fruit and vegetables, meat, fish and dairy products all retain their nutritious vitamins, delicate flavours and appetising appearance for much longer than in a traditional refrigerator compartment.

Perfect food storage

No more defrosting: NoFrost appliances provide professional quality refrigeration for reliable long-term freshness. Chilled circulating air freezes the food and humidity is expelled, which means the freezer is always ice-free and food does not frost over.

No more defrosting

Independent institutions within the industry regularly confirm the outstanding product quality and design of our appliances. The Plus X Awards voted Liebherr ‘Specialist Trade Brand of the Year 2012’ and, the German consumer association, Stiftung Warentest, regularly awards extremely high marks to our appliances.

Awards for Liebherr appliances

Independent institutions within the industry regularly confirm the outstanding product quality and design of our appliances. The Plus X Awards voted Liebherr ‘Specialist Trade Brand of the Year 2012’ and, the German consumer association, Stiftung Warentest, regularly awards extremely high marks to our appliances.

Awards for Liebherr appliances

With a range of over 200 models, Liebherr offers the perfect freshness solution for almost everyone with its freestanding, under-worktop or built-in range of refrigerators, freezers and fridge-freezers.


Whether for the home or for commercial use, all of our refrigerators and freezers are characterised by high quality, reliability and long service lives.


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Watch the video to see the great care with which we test all components to ensure that they work perfectly and reliably, and to guarantee their highest quality. Watch the video We need your consent This video is provided by Google*. When you load this video, your data, including your IP address, is transmitted to Google, and may be stored and processed by Google, also for its own purposes, outside the EU or the EEA and thus in a third country, in particular in the USA**. We have no influence on further data processing by Google. By clicking on “ACCEPT”, you consent to the data transmission to Google for this video pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 point a GDPR. If you do not want to consent to each YouTube video individually in the future and want to be able to load them without this blocker, you can also select “Always accept YouTube videos” and thus also consent to the respectively associated data transmissions to Google for all other YouTube videos that you will access on our website in the future. You can withdraw given consents at any time with effect for the future and thus prevent the further transmission of your data by deselecting the respective service under “Miscellaneous services (optional)” in the settings later also accessible via the “Privacy Settings” in the footer of our website). For further information, please refer to Data Protection Declaration and the Google Privacy Policy. * Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; parent company: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
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In developing its refrigerators and freezers, Liebherr pays a lot of attention to customer needs so that appliances are convenient to use and make everyday life easier. Convenient functions

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Liebherr social media: join our online community and receive servicing support as well as tips and advice on how to optimally store your food. Liebherr social networks


Get more from your appliance with our free apps: SmartDevice and our food storage app. Liebherr apps


Detailed information about our products’ features, technologies and energy consumption can be found in our brochures. Download brochures