Materiale testate

Ca producător premium, Liebherr prezintă cele mai mari cerinţe pentru aparate şi componente. Nu este o coincidenţă faptul că frigiderele şi congelatoarele impresionează clienţii din întreaga lume datorită duratei lungi de serviciu. Pentru a vă garanta aceasta, supunem toate componentele aparatului la teste la încărcături extreme. Ca urmare, asigurăm calitatea din nou şi din nou, pentru a satisface pe deplin cerinţele şi dorinţele clienţilor noştri privind produsele noastre.

Calitate până la ultimul detaliu

La frigiderele şi congelatoarele Liebherr se utilizează numai materialele de cea mai bună calitate. Testarea laborioasă testează toate componentele şi elementele - până la ultimul detaliu. Astfel, asigurăm că aparatele noastre respectă cele mai înalte standarde de calitate, atât în sectorul privat, cât şi în cel comercial.

We need your consent This video is provided by Google*. When you load this video, your data, including your IP address, is transmitted to Google, and may be stored and processed by Google, also for its own purposes, outside the EU or the EEA and thus in a third country, in particular in the USA**. We have no influence on further data processing by Google. By clicking on “ACCEPT”, you consent to the data transmission to Google for this video pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 point a GDPR. If you do not want to consent to each YouTube video individually in the future and want to be able to load them without this blocker, you can also select “Always accept YouTube videos” and thus also consent to the respectively associated data transmissions to Google for all other YouTube videos that you will access on our website in the future. You can withdraw given consents at any time with effect for the future and thus prevent the further transmission of your data by deselecting the respective service under “Miscellaneous services (optional)” in the settings later also accessible via the “Privacy Settings” in the footer of our website). For further information, please refer to Data Protection Declaration and the Google Privacy Policy. * Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; parent company: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
** Note: The data transfer to the USA associated with the data transmission to Google takes place on the basis of the European Commission’s adequacy decision of 10 July 2023 (EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework).

Motive bine întemeiate

Calitate dovedită, mai multă prospeţime în depozitarea alimentelor şi eficienţă energetică ridicată: Există multe motive pentru a alege Liebherr. De ce Liebherr?

Confort optim de operare

Şinele telescopice cu rulare uşoară, pe care se depozitează sertarele, asigură un plus de confort în frigidere şi congelatoare. Pentru a asigura funcţionarea, acestea trec prin serii de teste elaborate pentru a îndepărta orice sursă de eroare. Totodată, expunem şinele telescopice mai puternic decât încărcăturile obişnuite pentru a asigura o durată lungă de serviciu.

We need your consent This video is provided by Google*. When you load this video, your data, including your IP address, is transmitted to Google, and may be stored and processed by Google, also for its own purposes, outside the EU or the EEA and thus in a third country, in particular in the USA**. We have no influence on further data processing by Google. By clicking on “ACCEPT”, you consent to the data transmission to Google for this video pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 point a GDPR. If you do not want to consent to each YouTube video individually in the future and want to be able to load them without this blocker, you can also select “Always accept YouTube videos” and thus also consent to the respectively associated data transmissions to Google for all other YouTube videos that you will access on our website in the future. You can withdraw given consents at any time with effect for the future and thus prevent the further transmission of your data by deselecting the respective service under “Miscellaneous services (optional)” in the settings later also accessible via the “Privacy Settings” in the footer of our website). For further information, please refer to Data Protection Declaration and the Google Privacy Policy. * Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; parent company: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
** Note: The data transfer to the USA associated with the data transmission to Google takes place on the basis of the European Commission’s adequacy decision of 10 July 2023 (EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework).

Motive bine întemeiate

Calitate dovedită, mai multă prospeţime în depozitarea alimentelor şi eficienţă energetică ridicată: Există multe motive pentru a alege Liebherr. De ce Liebherr?

Pentru mai multă siguranţă în viaţa de zi cu zi

Rafturile GlassLine de calitate superioară şi rafturile de depozitare a uşilor interioare în aparatele de refrigerare Liebherr sunt rezistente la spargere, rezistente la zgârieturi şi uşor de curăţat. Pentru a garanta siguranţa în utilizarea zilnică, sticlă securizată din centrul nostru de testare este supusă constant unei sarcini extreme. Astfel, se asigură încredere şi siguranţă în gospodărie.

We need your consent This video is provided by Google*. When you load this video, your data, including your IP address, is transmitted to Google, and may be stored and processed by Google, also for its own purposes, outside the EU or the EEA and thus in a third country, in particular in the USA**. We have no influence on further data processing by Google. By clicking on “ACCEPT”, you consent to the data transmission to Google for this video pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 point a GDPR. If you do not want to consent to each YouTube video individually in the future and want to be able to load them without this blocker, you can also select “Always accept YouTube videos” and thus also consent to the respectively associated data transmissions to Google for all other YouTube videos that you will access on our website in the future. You can withdraw given consents at any time with effect for the future and thus prevent the further transmission of your data by deselecting the respective service under “Miscellaneous services (optional)” in the settings later also accessible via the “Privacy Settings” in the footer of our website). For further information, please refer to Data Protection Declaration and the Google Privacy Policy. * Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; parent company: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
** Note: The data transfer to the USA associated with the data transmission to Google takes place on the basis of the European Commission’s adequacy decision of 10 July 2023 (EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework).

Confortabil în utilizare

Datorită SoftSystem integrat, aparatele Liebherr închid automat uşile de la un unghi de deschidere de aprox 30°. Astfel se asigură o închidere netedă chiar şi când uşa interioară este complet încărcată. În activitatea casnică, uşa frigiderului este deschisă de mai multe ori pe zi şi este expusă la încărcături mari. Din acest motiv, simulăm peste 100.000 de deschideri ale uşii în laboratoarele noastre de testare pentru a asigura o durată lungă de serviciu a tuturor componentelor.

We need your consent This video is provided by Google*. When you load this video, your data, including your IP address, is transmitted to Google, and may be stored and processed by Google, also for its own purposes, outside the EU or the EEA and thus in a third country, in particular in the USA**. We have no influence on further data processing by Google. By clicking on “ACCEPT”, you consent to the data transmission to Google for this video pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 point a GDPR. If you do not want to consent to each YouTube video individually in the future and want to be able to load them without this blocker, you can also select “Always accept YouTube videos” and thus also consent to the respectively associated data transmissions to Google for all other YouTube videos that you will access on our website in the future. You can withdraw given consents at any time with effect for the future and thus prevent the further transmission of your data by deselecting the respective service under “Miscellaneous services (optional)” in the settings later also accessible via the “Privacy Settings” in the footer of our website). For further information, please refer to Data Protection Declaration and the Google Privacy Policy. * Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; parent company: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
** Note: The data transfer to the USA associated with the data transmission to Google takes place on the basis of the European Commission’s adequacy decision of 10 July 2023 (EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework).

Motive bine întemeiate

Calitate dovedită, mai multă prospeţime în depozitarea alimentelor şi eficienţă energetică ridicată: Există multe motive pentru a alege Liebherr. De ce Liebherr?


În dezvoltarea produselor precum frigidere şi congelatoare, Liebherr se concentrează pe nevoile clienţilor săi. Rezultatul sunt aparatele confortabile care uşurează viaţa de zi cu zi. Funcţii confortabile

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