Cigar storage perfection in the humidor
Cigar connoisseurs often refer to themselves as aficionados (Spanish: lovers). A genuine aficionado can tell, at the very first touch, whether or not a cigar has been correctly stored. The Liebherr humidor provides tailored storage and a perfect long-term maturation climate for premium cigars. High-quality touchscreen electronic controls and advanced humidity sensors precisely maintain the ideal temperatures and humidity levels.
Quality storage for fine cigars
Premium cigars stored in style Outstanding storage conditions for lasting enjoyment
Premium cigars are a luxurious, natural product, and they are handcrafted in a lengthy process that involves strict quality controls. To develop and retain their natural flavour, cigars must be properly stored. Cigars that have been stored correctly have a soft, elastic outer wrapper, they are pleasantly heavy to hold, and they are characterised by a succulent aroma that is typical of their region of origin. Liebherr's ZKes 453 humidor offers cigar lovers the perfect microclimate, with customisable climate settings, for storing their cherished cigars.
Tropical climate is ideal Constant temperature and high humidity
The balanced interplay of temperature and humidity is key to achieving optimum cigar flavour. After all, premium cigars are delicate natural products and, to retain their quality, they need to be stored in climate conditions similar to those found in the tropical regions where tobacco grows – the Caribbean, South America and South-East Asia. In the Liebherr humidor, cigars can be lengthily stored or matured under perfect conditions. Liebherr's innovative technology ensures that consistent temperature and high humidity requirements can be met and maintained at all times.
Quality assurance Optimal protection for premium brands
Once harvested, tobacco is processed in a lengthy procedure and under strictly monitored conditions. It is dried, fermented, handpicked and ultimately made into premium-brand cigars by skilled cigar rollers. Expert testers check every single cigar for factors such as weight and strength. A team of tasters acts as the final quality control body. This high degree of product quality can be optimally protected in the humidor, with its combination of high-quality touch electronics and advanced humidity sensors.
Leave to mature or enjoy right away Individual setting options
If cigars are stored at too low a humidity level, they dry out and lose their precious aroma. On the other hand, if humidity is too high, the valuable tobacco can start to go mouldy. The ideal humidity level for storing cigars is between 68 and 75 percent and, the sooner they are to be smoked, the closer to 68 percent it should be. In the Liebherr humidor, three separately managed control circuits with four fans create the perfect storage environment to meet specific needs.
Space for storage and presentation Variable interior features
The stainless steel housing and glass door contribute to an eye-catching, overall elegance. The interior features storage shelves crafted from Spanish cedar wood. This wood is traditionally used to make cigar boxes, as it is good at absorbing moisture and then releasing it evenly again. Collectors can use the humidor to store both individual cigars and boxes. Two completely removable cedar wood boxes present the cigars beautifully. With a net capacity of 39 litres, the humidor offers plenty of space for safe short or long-term storage.
Safely protected Sophisticated hygiene concept
As a natural product, it is essential that cigars be kept in a spotlessly hygienic environment. The materials used in the humidor interior offer maximum security: all wooden parts can be removed and individually cleaned; plastic fittings in the interior and water reservoir are easy to wipe clean; and an activated charcoal filter ensures that the interior air is free from odours. In addition, the temperature and humidity indicators can be read from the outside so that the door does not need to be opened, reducing the risk of spores or anything else contaminating the appliance.