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Amazon Alexa

Which functions can I control using Alexa?

Depending on the functions of your Liebherr appliance, the following functions can be controlled using Alexa:

  • Temperature for cooler/freezer/wine zones
  • SuperCool
  • SuperFrost
  • IceMaker
  • BottleTimer
  • Open and close with Autodoor
  • PresentationLight for vine cabinets
How can I use Amazon Alexa?
  • Connect your appliance in the Liebherr SmartDevice app
  • Download the Amazon Alexa app and search for the skill „Liebherr SmartDevice“
  • Activate the skill
  • You are asked to enter your MyLiebherr login data
  • After linking your Amazon Alexa and MyLiebherr accounts, the available appliances will be synchronised. Select the appliance(s) you want to control with Alexa
Alexa doesn’t understand the nickname of my appliance

The nickname of the appliance should only be one word. It should also not include numbers or special characters. Short nicknames work better.

Did you change the nickname of you appliance in the SmartDevice app? Close and restart the Alexa app to synchronise the new name.

I cannot activate MaxIce with Alexa

Alexa doesn’t like our feature name “MaxIce”. But you can tell Alexa to set the IceMaker to maximum or max.

I have problems with changing the temperature with Alexa

For setting the temperature (except wine appliances with multiple zones), Alexa understands best, if you only say for which appliance you want to change it, but not the zone.

Alexa knows which zone you want to change based on the value.

Example: “Alexa, set fridge temperature to 5°” or “Alexa, set fridge temperature to negative 18°”

How can I ask if BottleTimer is activated?

Since “timer” is a very general word, Alexa doesn’t understand if you ask about “BottleTimer”. If you want to know whether your BottleTimer is still active or whether it has already finished, for example, you can ask for the BottleTimer State or Mode.

Example: “Alexa, how is the BottleTimer State for Fridge?”

What commands can I use to control SuperCool function of my appliance with Alexa?

Alexa, turn on SuperCool

Alexa, turn off SuperCool

Alexa, is SuperCool on?

Alexa, is SuperCool off?

Alexa, turn on SuperCool in Fridge

Alexa, turn off SuperCool in Fridge

Alexa, is SuperCool on in Fridge?

Alexa, is SuperCool off in Fridge?

What commands can I use to control SuperFrost function of my appliance with Alexa?

Alexa, turn on SuperFrost

Alexa, turn off SuperFrost

Alexa, is SuperFrost on?

Alexa, is SuperFrost off?

Alexa, turn on SuperFrost in Fridge

Alexa, turn off SuperFrost in Fridge

Alexa, is SuperFrost on in Fridge?

Alexa, is SuperFrost off in Fridge?

What commands can I use to control BottleTimer function of my appliance with Alexa?

Alexa, turn off BottleTimer

Alexa, is BottleTimer on?

Alexa, is BottleTimer off?

Alexa, how is BottleTimer?

Alexa, what is the BottleTimer status?

Alexa, what is the BottleTimer mode?

Alexa, turn on BottleTimer in Fridge

Alexa, turn off BottleTimer in Fridge

Alexa, is BottleTimer on in Fridge?

Alexa, is BottleTimer off in Fridge?

Alexa, how is BottleTimer in Fridge?

Alexa, what is the BottleTimer status in Fridge?

Alexa, what is the BottleTimer mode in Fridge?

What commands can I use to control IceMaker function of my appliance with Alexa?

Alexa, set IceMaker in Fridge to on

Alexa, set IceMaker in Fridge to active

Alexa, set IceMaker in Fridge to normal

Alexa, set IceMaker in Fridge to standard

Alexa, set IceMaker in Fridge to MaxIce

Alexa, set IceMaker in Fridge to Max

Alexa, set IceMaker in Fridge to off

Alexa, set IceMaker in Fridge to inactive

Alexa, is IceMaker in Fridge on?

Alexa, is IceMaker in Fridge active?

Alexa, is IceMaker in Fridge MaxIce?

Alexa, is IceMaker in Fridge off?

What commands can I use to control temperature function of my appliance with Alexa?

Alexa, set temperature to 5

Alexa, set cooler temperature to 5

Alexa, set cooler temperature to minimum

Alexa, set cooler temperature to maximum

Alexa, set cooler temperature to min

Alexa, set cooler temperature to max

Alexa, lower cooler temperature

Alexa, raise cooler temperature

Alexa, what is the Cooler Temperature?

Alexa, set temperature in Fridge to 5

Alexa, set cooler temperature in Fridge to 5

Alexa, set cooler temperature in Fridge to minimum

Alexa, set cooler temperature in Fridge to maximum

Alexa, set cooler temperature in Fridge to min

Alexa, set cooler temperature in Fridge to max

Alexa, lower cooler temperature in Fridge

Alexa, raise cooler temperature in Fridge

Alexa, what is cooler Temperature in Fridge?

Alexa, set temperature in Fridge to negative 20

Alexa, set freezer temperature in Fridge to minimum

Alexa, set freezer temperature in Fridge to maximum

Alexa, set freezer temperature in Fridge to min

Alexa, set freezer temperature in Fridge to max

Alexa, lower freezer temperature in Fridge

Alexa, raise freezer temperature in Fridge

Alexa, what is freezer Temperature in Fridge?

What commands can I use to control PresenationLight function for vine cabinet of my appliance with Alexa?

Alexa, set Fridge PresentationLight to minimum

Alexa, set Fridge PresentationLight to inactive

Alexa, set Fridge PresentationLight to off

Alexa, set Fridge PresentationLight to maximum

Alexa, set Fridge PresentationLight to 3

Alexa, lower Fridge PresentationLight

Alexa, lower Fridge PresentationLight by 2

Alexa, raise Fridge PresentationLight

Alexa, raise Fridge PresentationLight by 2

Alexa, what is the Fridge PresentationLight?


Google Assistant

Which functions can I control with help from Google Assistant?

Depending on the functions of your Liebherr appliance, the following functions can be controlled with help from Google Assistant:

- Temperature for cooler/freezer

- SuperCool

- SuperFrost

- IceMaker

- BottleTimer

- Open and close with Autodoor

How to control your appliance using just your voice with help from Google Assistant.

- Connect your appliance in the Liebherr SmartDevice app

- Download the Google Home app and go to “Devices” and click on “Add”

- Choose “Works with Google” and search for „Liebherr SmartDevice“

- You are asked to enter your MyLiebherr login data

- After linking your Google and MyLiebherr accounts, the available appliances will be synchronised. Select the appliance(s) you want to control using just your voice with help from Google Assistant.

- The appliances are given a suffix in the name with the respective appliance type (cooler or freezer). You can change the name in the Google Home app.

What do I need to consider if I have a fridge-freezer?

A fridge-freezer is divided into two appliances in the Google Home app. The refrigerator section is given the suffix "cooler" in the name, the freezer section the suffix "freezer". This is needed to distinguish between the two sections. You can change the name in the Google Home app.

If the nickname of my appliance isn’t recognized by Google Assistant

The nickname of the appliance should only be one word. It should also not include numbers or special characters. Short nicknames work better.

Did you change the nickname of you appliance in the SmartDevice app? Close and restart the Google Home app to synchronise the new name.

To control the SuperCool function of my appliance, what can I ask Google Assistant?

“Hey Google, turn on SuperCool in Fridge”

“Hey Google, turn off SuperCool in Fridge”

“Hey Google, is SuperCool on in Fridge?”

To control the SuperFrost function of my appliance, what can I ask Google Assistant?

“Hey Google, turn on SuperFrost in Freezer”

“Hey Google, turn off SuperFrost in Freezer”

“Hey Google, is SuperFrost on in Freezer?”

To control the BottleTimer function of my appliance, what can I ask Google Assistant?

“Hey Google, turn on BottleTimer in Freezer”

“Hey Google, turn off BottleTimer in Freezer”

“Hey Google, is BottleTimer on in Freezer?”

To control the IceMaker function of my appliance, what can I ask Google Assistant?

“Hey Google, set the Freezer to MaxIce”

“Hey Google, set the Freezer to off”

To control the temperature of my appliance, what can I ask Google Assistant?

“Hey Google, set temperature in Fridge to 5”

“Hey Google, raise temperature in Fridge”

“Hey Google, lower temperature in Fridge”

“Hey Google, what is the temperature in Fridge?”

“Hey Google, set temperature in Freezer to -20”

“Hey Google, what is the temperature in Freezer?”

To control the AutoDoor function of my appliance, what can I ask Google Assistant?

“Hey Google, open Fridge”

“Hey Google, close Fridge”

“Hey Google, is Fridge open?”

“Hey Google, is Fridge closed?”

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